Who floated the theory that the Earth was hollow ?


       Many people in the last century thought that the Earth was hollow. Captain John Symmes of the American army was one of them. 

Captain Symmes was a war hero. Some years after he retired from the army in 1812, he startled everyone with a strange new theory about the earth. 

According to him, earth was made up of five solid spheres contained one within the other. The human race occupied the outermost surface of the outermost sphere. 

The way to the interior of the earth, he said was through large openings at the poles. He appealed for volunteers to help him find these openings, and he petitioned the government to finance his trip to the pole. But the government refused to help and in the absence of any sort of proof his theory was ridiculed and he died a broken man in 1829.

     The English astronomer Edmund Halley (after whom the comet is named) also believed that the earth was made up of several sheres. According to him inner spheres were lit by a glowing gas.

     In 1913 a man named Marshal B. Gardner to the Earth's Interior Gardner put forward the theory that the earth was hollow, that we live in the hollow and that the sun too is contained in this vast hollow. But don't worry now, we have all clear and correct concept of our planet.

    Like Symmes, Gardner too believed that there were openings at the poles. Some years after he had published his book, Admiral Byrd flew over the North Pole in an aeroplane. He found no openings there and Gardner stopped talking about his theory. 

   Well whatever they did, they did to fulfill their desire of curiosity of knowing about our planet. 

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