Who is the Father of Internet ?

THE Internet is something that we are familiar with today. In fact, it is considered to be the most important development of the 20th century which brought the world to our finger-tips. Even you are knowing and using internet but still don't know who's the inventor of this major innovation. So, who was the master brain behind this major innovation.
       Let's get to know him- Vinton Gray Cerf or Vint Cerf. Regarded as the pioneer in the field of information technology, Cerf is one of the fathers of the Internet. Along with another computer scientist Robert Elliot Kahn, Cerf designed Internet Protocols named (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
   Cerf's career as a computer expert began with the United States Department of Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, where he played a key role in the internet development and security technology. Later, he also led the engineering of the first commercial email service named MCI Mail. He won the prestigious A.M Turing Award, or what is known as Nobel Prize of Computer Science, in 2004.

      Vint Cerf is undoubtedly one of the most important personalities of the 20th century. He was born on June 23, 1943 in Connecticut, USA to Vinton Thruston Cerf, an employee in an aeronotical company, Muriel Cerf.
     An outstanding student, he received his early education at the Van Nuys High School, where he studied along with future computer scientists Jon Postel and Steve Crocker. After his schooling, Cerf went to Standford University where he received his bachelor's degree in mathematics. Subsequently, he joined the IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) as a system engineer. 
     Two years later, he quite this job, and pursued an MS degree at the University of California. It was then that Cerf met Robert Kahn, who later became the co-founder of Internet Protocols.
   In 1972, Cerf earned a PhD in computer science from the Standford University, and started working as an assistant professor there. 
    It was in 1976 that Cerf joined the US government's Defense Advance Research Projects Agency. Along with Kahn, he founded the Internet Society in 1992. 
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    Cerf's contribution to the world of IT are incomparable.

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