How our world could end?

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Welcome my epistemophilic friends, i am Nitin Hingwe came with new exciting high level of devastating thinking of  knowledge for the ultra level of thinkers, i know your eagerness for this type of ultra knowledge is huge and now as you have entered our site full of inquisitive knowledgeable content you can feed you eagerness for massive unlikely different fascinating knowledge.

So in this article we will discuss on how our world could end? Isn't it amazing? What do you think? Share your opinion as well as suggestions and doubts in the comment section. So as geniuses are amazingly  creative peoples so, some of the world's geniuses have come together to draw up some real life doomsday scenarios - and work out how mankind could avoid getting wiped out. What do you think about the geniuses?

Image result for end of the world
          The members of the Cambridge Centre for the study of Existential Risk, led by Astronomer Royal Martin Rees and including Stephen Hawking, have said that the once the threats are identified they intend to devise methods to protect mankind, reported. The group has said that the world could end through cyber attacks, where the networks collapse due to action by enemy nations or terrorists, the paralysis could result in society breaking down. Engineered infection was also labelled as a threat to world. Fast - spreading pandemic was another doomsday event and even asteroid impact.
        Some deadly viruses may spread globally and end our civilization if not taken seriously. Nowadays viruses like COVID-19 which originated from China, Wuhan is making the terror of death among humans globally.
        Meanwhile, a new study has revealed that out of 117 predictions, made in the 1990's to the actual amount of warming , three were roughly accurate and 114 overestimated the amount of warming. The study's auther told Fox News that on average , the predictions forecasted two times more global warming than actually occurred. 
      Climate scientist John Christy , a professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, said that it shows that there really is something that needs to be fixed in the climate models. Do you have any other idea how our world could come close to its end ? I know you have many...ha ha ha.
Image result for end of the world   

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  1. Yes I knew this .. so I'm already eager to go to mars.. ...and to make it even more comfortable than our earth. 😚😅😅🤣😊😋✌

  2. Grt... like this only bring more knowledge ful things for us.....

    1. yes definitely will be bringing learning everyday a new thing and sharing it with the world is the best best part of life

  3. I feel the moon could crash into earth and end humans.
