September 8 - International Literacy Day


You might have heard somewhere, somehow about literacy rate but do you know that there is a day known as International Literacy Day. Now, what it has to do with literacy rate, let's understand this and significance of this day.

The ability to read and write is one of the chief achievements of Man that led to the development and enhancement of civilization. It is an important skill for an individual's participation in socio-political and cultural discource. 

It helps develop one's awareness of one's rights, civil responsibilities and knowledge of the world. The UN has dedicated a day to celebrating literacy known as the International Literacy Day,which falls on September 8.

  Universal access to quality education and learning opportunities for people is part of the agenda of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Despite the progress people across the world have made,there still persist literacy challenges in certain parts of the world .

    Literacy has become an important requirement for livelihood, especially in the context of advanced employment schemes, The UN provides opportunities to to achieve literacy for all  the young people and  and the adults who lack  these skills.

     International Literacy Day focuses on the competencies required for employment, careers, and livelihoods along with skills. 


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