Why should we observe a day for democracy? 

In modern societies, people are increasingly losing faith in the rule of kings, nobles or autocrats. In an egalitarian and just society, people are their own rulers; and therefore, democracy is the rule of the people. 

Do you know Abraham Lincoln's famous definition of democracy?

                   The International Day of Democracy envisages governments of the people, by the people and for the people. This day falls on September 15. The purpose of celebrating such a day is to look for ways to encourage democracy and seek answers to the challenges it faces. Democracy must make nations ready to tackle economic and political inequalities, bring the young and the marginalized into the political system and make nations more innovative and responsive to emerging challenges such as migration and climate change. 

                   The rulers and governments should be made aware of the values of freedom, and respect for human rights as 
essential elements of democracy. 
The International Day of Democracy, tells the world that the relevance and significance of democracy can
 be upheld only through the protection and effective realization 0f human rights.

What if all the nations of our planet become united to one nation and one government ?

Having only one nation doesn't come at the cost of heterogeneity. It still remains. Individual and cultural identities aren't abolished with the removal of multiple governments and nations.

The same promises were made by Chinese gov, but you know what happened there... 
I appreciate if the same happened in the future as you said. 
Currently, most of the people in this world are struggling with their identities and other issues. So, uniting into one nation will be appreciated but we cannot ignore the high probability of its sudden collapse after formation.

That's why it hasn't happened yet and it's unlikely it'll take place in this century. There will have to be mutual understanding between the nation's and the ruling parties first to actually cause their collapse.  
All depends on how we plan it and how we convince them. We'll be long dead by then but we can still raise our voice if we do believe in anarchism.

But over all this consequences there are several benevolent benefits of uniting the world into one nation. For example - moving from one place to another, be it seas apart, will require no visa, goods can be transported freely, the threat of wars will end. Hence we further won't need to invest a huge amount of money to our military for defending us, as there will no different nation.

So what do you think about this idea of bringing all nations together to form one nation. 
I think it would take centuries to form one nation on Earth but on any other planets, it would be very easy, probably on Mars. 

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