Formula for happiness

A Scientific Formula for Happiness - The Sunshine Review - Medium

A PSYCHOLOGIST has claimed to come up with a formula for happiness. You might be smiling ...that can there be a formula for happiness also - so the answer is yes, yes my friends there is ! 

  According to Todd Kashdan, of George Mason University in Virginia, if people start focussing on the six specific factors :
  •  moment (M),
  • be curious (C),
  • do something you love (L),
  • think of others (T),
  • nurture relationship (N), and
  • care of your body (B),
they will feel good.

The research commissioned by Transform Cosmetic Surgery, found the formula :
                      Feeling Good = (M x 16 + C + L x 2) + (T x 5 + N x 2 + B x 33).

He said that there is no secret to feeling good, people are taken care of, in right doses, people are going to be on target to lead a happy life.
Here is the Japanese formula for happiness !
Ikigai – The Japanese Formula for Happiness – Brian's Blog

So, are you gonna apply these formula in life. It's very important to be happy as it shows how we are and our attitude is towards dealing the every situation and circumstances of our life. So -"Be Happy".😊

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