Can dreams tell the future?

WHAT do you think, can your dreams tell your future? So, with this question let's start today's interesting discussion about the dreams and future with the very beautiful story. One night a few years ago in the United States, a 54-year-old nurse, Mrs Pearl Anderson had a dream. In her dream she saw money pouring out of a slot machine. Thought it was late in the night she she drove to the casino and went straight to their slot machines. Within minutes, she had won a million dollar slot-machine jackpot! 
           Many people believe that dreams can sometimes anticipate the future. J.W. Dunne in his book 'An Experiment with time' suggests that when we are awake our sense of time is vertical so that we are aware only of the present but when we are asleep time becomes becomes for us, horizontal so that we can travel into the past and the future.
         Image result for an experiment with time
          Precognitive dreams are dreams that appear to predict the future through a sixth sense. Let me give you an example of what many people would deem as precognition, but is actually quite simply explained.
          A dream that changed the course of history occurred to a corporal sleeping in a trench during WWI. The corporal dreamt of a  tremendous explosion which brought down tons of mud on him and his comrades. The soldier awoke and feeling uneasy scrambled out of the trench and began to walk towards a field nearby. Suddenly there was a loud explosion behind him. The corporal flung himself to the ground. When he looked back he saw that the trench had been hit by an enemy shell. A huge quantity of Earth had rained down on it burying all the soldiers in it. 
         And there are many such real incidents which prove that dreams had just given the whole screenplay that what will be happening the next. Is it happened to you ?

Now you might be also wondering about - What happens after death ?  - so, just click the blue question for exploring the answer.Image result for dreams tell the future

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