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HE IS a young man, easily identified by the tuft of hair on the top of his head. He is always accompanied by a little white dog who answers to the name of Snowy. Does that ring a bell? Yes, we are talking of Tintin, one of the most popular character you are likely to read about. The Adventures of Tintin have enthralled and entertained generations of readers, both young and old. 
        Tintin is a young reporter who is committed to finding the truth and helping as many people as he can. Tintin is brave and kind; this unusual combination of qualities make him a courageous man who is not afraid to show his softer side. This side of his character often helps him feel the pain of others and wins him friends with greater ease than force would. 
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   Tintin is the brainchild of the Belgian cartoonist Geoges Remi who wrote under the name of Herge. Tintin began as a commic strip in a newspaper. The popularity of the young journalist encouraged Herge to write teh twenty four albums. These were originally published in Belgian but have been translated into seventy languages. Herge used contemporary issues in the books, making the adventures believable outings that appealed to the readers of that time. In addition to Tintin, Herge created an entertaining cast of characters. There is the constantly harried butler, Nestor, the self centered singer Bianca Castiafore, the absent minded professor Calculus, the incompetent detectives Thomson and Thompson and the most sailor of all times, Captain Haddock. Tintin's own character, which presents the chivalrous, brave and soft hearted young man, determined to expose the truth, contributes a great deal to the popularity of the series. Similarly, the style used by Herge makes this books stand out for their clean lines and the details that have been put in with an observant eye. The well researched plots are innovative and Herge presents a variety of topics, from the hunt of treasure, to the search for a lost city and an expedition to the moon.

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