Can a bullet shot into the air injure someone?

Image result for bullet shot in air
WHAT goes up must come down. There have been reports of bystanders getting injured or even killed by stray bullets fired into the air in acceleration. Hey friends this questions might have arose in your mind sometimes in your life whenever you see a man in movie shooting a bullet in air, so where it might go. So, here's all your curiosity's answer.
               The velocity at which a bullet is fired depends on the type of gun used. The muzzle velocity can range from 120 m/s to 370 m/s in muskets, to more than 1,200 m/s in modern rifles in modern rifles. The velocity of the bullet is highest at the 
muzzle and drops off steadily because of air resistance. 
Image result for bullet shot in air
        If a gun is fired vertically into the the air, the bullet travels up and then falls back at terminal velocity of 91 m/s. (Terminal velocity is reached when air resistance equals the weight of a falling object -- so the speed of the object becomes constant ) Recent studies suggest that a bullet travelling at the speed of 61 m/s is powerful enough to penetrate skin. It means be safe don't in the place where shooters are shooting bullets in air, you can be injured.
          However, the shooter himself is unlikely to get hurt. The bullet is unlikely to get hurt. The bullet is usually caught up by the wind and deposited at a distance where an innocent victim may suffer grievous injury. Do you have any question or suggetion or confusion regarding this topic, so please comment. 

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  1. Nitin if a shooter fired bullet in air,then how it is possible to get hurt himself ? I dont understood.explain.

    1. there is probability that he may get injured may be due to the unusual blowing of wind and the bullet unlikingly may hit the shooter himself, i am not saying he will definitely get injured, there is probability
