Why is the Cave of the Crystals unique?

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           THE giant selenite crystals(gypsum) found here are the largest natural crystal ever found. Some of the translucent gypsum beams in the cave are as long as 15 meters. Massive selenite blocks just out from all sides covering the entire cave with shimmering white crystals. 
            The Cave of the Crystals is situated 300 meters  below Naica Mountain in Maxico's Chihuahuan  Desert. It was discovered accidentally in 2000 when workers of the Naica mine were drilling through the mountain. 
           The conditions inside the cave are extreme - a constant temperature of 58°C and 100% humidity makes it an extremely dangerous environment for humans to survive for more than 10 minutes unless properly protected. This deadly heat comes from a magma chamber about 2.5 km below the mountain that heats the water flowing throughout the mountain. 
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          The hollow space of the cave was filled with minerals-rich hot water for about 500,000 years. During this time, the temperature of the water remained constant at over 50°C allowing microscopic crystals to form and grow to majestic proportions. 
         The Naica mines which are famous for lead, silver and zinc have been excavated for years, but in 1975 a massive area was drained to carry out mining operation. when the water disappeared the crystals stopped growing.
       Scientists are now exploring the caves to better understand this geological marvel. There is a growing demand to declare it a World Heritage Site so that this unique treasure can be preserved.  
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