Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?

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IF there is irritation in the nose, we sneeze. It is a reflex action designed to expel any foreign body trying to enter the nose. But why we close our eyes when we sneeze has never been satisfactorily explained. At one time it was believed that closing the eyes prevented the eyes from popping out of their sockets due to the force of the sneeze but there are a few individuals who can sneeze without their eyes closing, and nothing seems to happen to their eye( nothing should, actually because there are six muscles holding the eyeball in place). In any case, the eyelids are not strong enough to keep an eye from bursting out if the muscles have given way for some reason.

Image result for Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?     When you sneeze, the intrathoracic pressure in your body momentarily increases. This will decrease the blood flow back to the heart. The heart compensates for this by changing its regular heart beat momentarily to adjust. However, the electrical activity of the heart does not stop during the sneeze.
    The act of a sneeze involves a lot of nerve communication and muscle contract throughout the body, causing involuntary actions in the gut, sphincter, throat, sinus cavities and even the eyes, among others. This makes it difficult for the body to resist the instinct to close the eyes before sneezing. However, some people can keep their eyes open when they sneeze, so it is far from impossible. It is simply uncommon.
     Another theory has it that the eyes close to prevent whatever that has been expelled from the nose from getting into the eyes. This seems to be most plausible, right one.

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