What is Speedcubing ?

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IT is the activity of solving Rubik's Cube puzzle as quickly as possible. Competitions are held all over the world with gamers devising newer and faster ways of cracking the world's  favourite  3-D combination puzzle.
      The Rubik's Cube was invented by Hungarian professor of architecture Erno Rubik in 1974. In the classic cube, each of the six faces has nine stickers of a solid colour after the stickers have been mixed up.
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      The first speedcubing competition was conducted by the Guinness Book of world Records in Munich on March 13, 1981. The first international world championship was held in Budapest on June 5, 1982. 
       The game is now governed by the World Cube Association which has been organizing speedcubing competitions every two years since 2003 and maintains a history of world records. In March 2013, Mats Valk of Netherlands set a world for solving the puzzle in the fastest time of 5.55 seconds at the Zonhoven Open in Belgium. Reigning world champion Feliks Zemdegs of  Australia boasts of the fastest average time per solve of 6.54 seconds.
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