Can Water cut metals?

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YES. It is possible to slice a piece of metal with a device called waterjet, which uses a jet of water at high velocity and pressure.  
      In industries such as mining, the materials used are sensitive the high temperatures generated by the conventional methods of cutting. Waterjet cutters generate less heat and can pierce through the material without changing its intrinsic properties. Also, unlike other devices such as asbestos cutters, they do not produce smoke, dust or fumes and hence are considered environment friendly. Metal, rubber, foam and stone are some substances that can be cut using waterjets.
   Dr. Norman Charles Franz, a WJTA Pioneer Award winner, invented industrial waterjet cutting in the 1960s. This invention was a spin-off of a research program that Dr. Franz was conducting on the machining of wood.
      Operation----  All waterjets follow the same principle of using high pressure water focused into a beam by a nozzle.  An intensifier pump creates pressure by using hydraulic oil to move a piston forcing the water through a tiny hole. The water then travels along the high pressure tubing to the nozzle of the waterjet.
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