Why do we drive on the left while Americans drive on the right?

Image result for drive cars on the left side in america
IN the late 1700s in America large four horse broad-wheeled wagons had no seat for the driver. He rode the last horse on the left.
   Whenever one of these wagon drivers saw another wagon approaching from the opposite side he would his own wagon to the right. This enabled him to keep a watchful eye on the wheels of the other wagon as it passed his own.
  Gradually on the right in America and in those countries which used wagons similar to the ones used in the America.
  In England, smaller wagons were used and the driver who was provided with a seat, sat on the right. 
Image result for drive cars on the left side in america

  Whenever another wagon approached from the opposite direction he moved his wagon to he left so that he could have an unobstructed view of the wheels of the other wagon and keep clear of them. In course of time, driving on the left became the rule in England. 
  The practice was introduced into all countries that came under British influence, including India.

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