What is Zumba?

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IN the 1990's, a Colombian dancer choreographer called Alberto 'Beto' Perez forgot to bring a tape of aerobics music to the class he taught. Instead he found a tape containbelly dancing ing salsa and merengue music (both types of Latin American dance) in his backpack. He decided to combine the combine the moves of both styles and Zumba was born! The new dance fitness program became so popular that Perez teamed up with his friends Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion and took it to the USA. A company called Fitness Quest took one look at the demo video and licensed it. The rest as they say is history! 
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   The Zumba Academy was set up in 2005 to train instructors. Today, zumba classes are held in over 150 countries and the workout has more than 14 million avid followers.
   Zumba incorporates moves from a host of dance forms such as hip-hop, soca, samba, mambo, belly dancing, martial arts and even bhangra! Each session is about an hour long and there is a different Zumba routine for different age-groups. There is even a workout for swimming pool called Zumba Aqua and video games based on Zumba. 
   Celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Jackie Chan and Victoria Bekham are said to be zumba addicts. Even I too was, as this was performed in our school but unfortunately boys didn't got chance so only girls had performed. I gathered this information and wrote because this extremely fabulous exercise for fitness and it's amazing origin you have already read now.

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