Where should a rocket launching side be located ?

Where should a rocket launching side be located ?

Many factors are taken into account in choosing location for a site from where spacecraft launched.

 Find, the launch site should be at a remote location as far away as possible from populated areas to reduce the chances of human fatalities on the ground in case of a rocket disaster. It is preferable if it is located next to a mazor water body like a sea so that part shed by flying rocket can fall harmlessly into the open ocean.

 This site should be accessible by land, air and sea to avoid unnecessary transportation costs and delay. Scientists also prefer a site that has pleasant, mild weather conditions.

 Launch sites are usually located near the equator. Earth rotates  from the west to east. The surface velocity of a rotation is maximum (about 1600 km/hour) at the equator. A rocket launched in the easterly direction from a site close to the equator benefits greatly from the natural boost provided by surface velocity of Earth's rotation. This cuts down the cost of Rockets used to launch satellites that are destined for the geo-stationary Orbit, which runs parallel to the equator. Most launch sites are located near the equator like the Space Centre in French Guiana, Cape Canaveral in USA Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh and Thumba in Kerala.

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