What does smoke point mean ?


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It is the temperature at which oil breaks down and emits smoke upon heating. Different oils and fats have different smoke points depending on how refined they are. The process of refining removes the impurities from the oil which cause it to smoke sooner. Generally, lighter the colour of the oil, higher its smoke point of 254 degree Celsius as compared to coconut oil which has a smoke point of 177 degree Celsius. Animal - based fats like butter have lower smoke points than vegetable based oils.

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A chef has to take into account the smoke point while cooking. An oil with a higher smoke point is better suited for deep frying. Heating the oil well beyond its smoke point can make it catch fire (it is called the flash point ). On the other hand, light extra virgin olive oil is best used in salad dressings as it has a low smoke point of 160 degree Celsius.

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