How does the Pinterest work ?

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PINTEREST one of the fastest growing free social networking websites today. It is an online virtual bulletin board. Just as you pin notes, photos, Post-its etc. on a board at your desk, Pinterest allows you to pin or bookmark whatever information you find on the internet that fascinates you onto a 'pinboard' and then share it. It could be a photograph, video, cartoon, ...anything. As all pins are primarily pictures, the website is visually enticing.

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             After you create an account, you can build a pinboard dedicated to whatever topic you choose. Then you can pin images favorite websites onto the pinboard using the "Pin It" button. The accompanying text is usually brief, providing a link to the website with the full article. The website enables the user to explore his chosen category by pictures and also follow other users from around the world who share his interest. 

             Pinterest was launched in 2010 by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. Its simple easy to use format combined with stunning images has drawn over 70 million users. The most popular categories are food & drink, art & crafts, home decor, and travel.

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