What is Circumnavigation ?



  IT mean to go all the around something , especially the worlds . different 

modes of travel can be used --powered aircraft , sailboat , bike , hiking etc . 

Basically , the route should begin and end at the same location , travel in 

one genral direction and pass through a pair of antipodes . The route should 

also cross the Equator at some point .

    The first person to circumnavigate the globe was ferdinand Magallan . he 

led a Spanish expedition which sailed from Seville in 1519 , crossed the 

atlantic , pacific and indian oceans and rounded the cape of good hope before 

returning to spain in 1522 . During the voyage , Magallan was killed in the 

philiphines in 1521 and juas Sebastian Elcano took command of the 

expendition . Of the original 260 men and four ships , only one ship returned 

with a crew of 18 men . 

    Dutch teenager Laura Dekker claim to be the youngest person ever to 

circumnavigate the world solo . She was 16 year and 123 days old when she 

complete her journey on January 21 , 2012 .

    In 2009 , dilip donde became the first Indian to circumnavigate the globe 

in 276 days , but with four stops . Tomy travelled in the same sailboat but he 

did not touch any port . He completed his journy on April 9 in 150 days , 

covering approximately 22,000 nautical miles .....

-----by Shraddha

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