What are blue zones ?

What are Blue Zones ?

A writer with National Geographic , Dan Buettner, was intrigued by the fact that people live longer in certain areas of the world. Not only with this 5 geographical clusters have more centenarians (people hundred years and older) . But they were the  free off the medical conditions that beset at the elderly elsewhere , such as diabetes , hypertension , cancer and dimantia  and heart disease . 

       They were located in the  Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica ; Ikaria in Greece , Sardinia in Italy; Okinawa in Japan and a community of Seventh Day Adventists in loma Linda California USA.
         Buettner discovered several common Lifestyle factors the residents were usually nonsmokers , had a mostly vegetarian diet rich in legumes, whole grains , soy and nuts, drink red wine in moderation and maintained close family and societal ties .
 They were also physically active right into very old age . They were culturally  isolated, lived close to nature and had a firm Belief in God.
             The researchers who first used the turn 'blue zone were Gianni Pes and Michael poulain in the "journal of experimental gerontology" . They were they were writing about a cluster of mountain villages in sardinia , Italy which had a large number of males centenarians . They drew concentric  Blue circles on the map and referred to the area inside circles as the blue zone .

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