New stars in the sky !


UK experts have 'discovered' modern day icons in the sky to inspire youngsters.

You can now look up to your favourite heroes and stars literally!
     British astronomers have come up with a set of eight new constellations named after modern day icones like J.K. Rowling, Serena Williams, Sir David Attenborough and Usain Bolt among others. Young enthusiast can now look for Usain Bolt's famous lightning bolt stance if they find Hercules too an uninspiring or try to look their favourite boy wizard Harry Potter's round spectacles in the sky in honour of is creater J.K. Rowling.

The newnset of constellations  include a Blue Whale for naturalist Sir David Attenborough, tennis racket for Serena Williams, a spaceship for astronaut Tim Peake and a book in honour of the Youngest Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai.
A recent survey in the UK revealed that a large percentage of children have never looked at the night sky to find a star constellation they are unable to identify and of the classical constellations. They are, based on the zodiac and figures from ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

 To inspire young people to take a stargazing, a company called 'Look up to the  Stars' was launched by the big bang fair in collaboration with the University of Birmingham. Together they came up with names that would be more relevant to people today. The big bang fair is an annual event that celebrates the best is Science, Technology, Engineering and maths with children. It will be held in Birmingham UK in March this year.

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