What causes blushing ? Can I stop myself from blushing ?

What causes blushing? Can I stop myself from Blushing?

When the tiny blood vessels called capillaries in the face and neck suddenly swell with blood, causing the face to become red, we say the person is blushing.

         The capillaries have two kind of nerves ---  vasodilators and vasoconstrictors.    While vasoconstrictors cause blood vessels to contract and produc pale skin when stimulated by fear or illness, vasodilators cause blood vessels to expand and fill with blood when stimulated by cold temperatures , increased physical activity or nervousness and embarrassment.

         You can't hold back the rush of blood but if you worry about it whenever it happens, it's likely to happen even more . Some say it can be controlled or eliminated by drawing attention to it : 'Hey, I blushed' or 'There I Go Again!' It is best to accept it and outgrow it gradually.

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